The Copa Libertadores is a prestigious football tournament organised by the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) that attracts top teams across South America. It features 32 teams divided into eight groups, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the knockout stage. The tournament is considered one of the most important club competitions in the world and is known for its passionate fans, intense matches, and high level of play. Many players who have had successful careers in Europe have honed their skills in the Copa Libertadores.
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The Copa Libertadores is a prestigious football tournament organised by the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) that attracts top teams across South America. It features 32 teams divided into eight groups, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the knockout stage. The tournament is considered one of the most important club competitions in the world and is known for its passionate fans, intense matches, and high level of play. Many players who have had successful careers in Europe have honed their skills in the Copa Libertadores.
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